Monday, February 09, 2009

Bits and Pieces


Had a nice weekend not doing anything. Well, that's not entirely true. I didn't go out at all except for eating or drinking supplies. The rest of the time was spent watching movies and random television, working out a couple times in the home gym (shitty exercise bike, push-ups), and looking for new and exciting porn on the internet.

It was at some point between Rocky Balboa and Hispanic Hermaphrodite Hentai (The elusive Triple H Experience) that I jumped online and booked tickets for a guy I've always wanted to see live. Louis CK.

Now, I've had the pleasure of seeing two celebrity types around NYC during my travels there with my lady friend. Both have been while in grocery stores. The first of the two was seeing Louis CK in Soho. I'm not the kind of guy who wants an autograph or to take up a lot of a guy's time. I'd rather just say hi and shake a hand, explaining that I really enjoy their work. Or, in most cases, I'm content to just look over and go, "Oh, that's cool. Louis CK's over there." before moving along. I didn't say anything to him, but I decided I'd stop fucking around and make an effort to go see him live.

If you haven't ever heard of him or seen his stuff, you'll figure out quickly why I like him so much. He's very much NOT SAFE FOR WORK and if you offend easily (Why are you reading my website?) then you're not going to like it. Here are a couple clips I enjoy.

He's got a ton on youtube. So many, in fact, that it was hard for me to put just two on here. I fought a shitty ticket ordering system to get 9th row tickets for four. I originally was going to get 6 tickets but had to give up trying thanks to the shit-ass design of the site.

That, however, is not for a few months yet. In the meanwhile I am getting tickets to a show called The Dirty Show. I will be taking my art-loving girlfriend to the world's largest erotica art show. It appears to be a little art, a little party, and a whole lotta freak!

Here's a video. Again, NOT SAFE FOR WORK!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The D is hurting more than most of America. The city isn't visitor friendly, it has the lowest graduation rate in the entire country, and it's So Cold In the D...

...but just when you least expect it, there's something going on in the D.

Well, two things over the next two months. Baby steps.



Kid Dynamite said...

i KNEW you'd get the "It's cold out there in the D" video... i didn't even have to send it to you!

elizabeth said...

so the dirty show is actually a thing we're doing? a little scared.

Unknown said...

I'm going to download "Cold in the D" right now, that shit's hot!

The Bracelet said...

Yep, yes, and oh yeah.

StB said...

You must related to this Louis guy.